How to Keep Your Energy Bank Full

Light Up Your Energy Levels with Reiki

pink blue sunrise brings the light, which helps keep your energy battery full

Security comes with resources

Learning how to keep your energy bank full increases your sense of security around your health.

In general, to maintain a sense of security in life, we try to keep a balanced bank account, a full gas tank, and a well-stocked pantry. As a result, we feel ready to handle the unexpected. Of course, this is also why we keep our phones and computers charged.

Next, we will describe how to keep your energy bank full.

Health and Well Being? How’s Your Energy Levels?

What if we viewed our health and well-being the same way? Ask yourself, “Am I keeping my internal batteries charged or am I letting them run down?” Specifically, is your energy balanced and stable or scattered and depleted?

When your energy runs low, are you allowing yourself time to recharge? Or do you even pay attention to how you feel, because you don’t have time? Guess what, it’s time to make time, before time runs out.

Why we don’t make time to recharge

Commonly, we find ourselves so busy trying to make ends meet that it’s almost impossible to pause and breathe. However, life is just like breathing; it’s essential for the energy to come in as well as go out. When we breathe, the air comes in and goes out. Decidedly, we need both flows, inhaling and exhaling.

In life, we use or give out our energy to make things happen. Just as importantly, we need to take in or receive energy so we can ‘keep keepin’ on.’ Many of us live a life with the scales tipped out of balance. Essentially, the missing ingredient is self-care.

Self-care takes many forms

Most likely, you are practicing self-care daily, whether you label it as that or not. Besides the basic cleanliness routines, we might engage in other beneficial ones. Taking a bath is rejuvenating beyond just cleansing. Epsom salt foot soaks can be very restorative. Applying heat pads to achy body parts goes a long way. These are just a few examples of self-care which take minimal time and yet yield great results.

Start with one restorative session a month

Realistically, you have to start somewhere to get your energy levels back into balance. Years ago, when I first made this commitment, I had very little time and almost no extra money. However, after going to my first bodywork session, I knew I needed to continue. Initially, I received monthly bodywork sessions until I began to realize how important it was. Eventually, I settled into two sessions a month.

Reiki: the Ultimate Energy Recharger

Reiki is one of many restorative types of bodywork. To name a few, I have experienced benefits from massage therapy, acupuncture, cranial-sacral therapy, Rolfing, chiropractic and physical therapy. I highly recommend receiving bodywork from any of these reputable modalities.

However, as a Reiki practitioner and Reiki teacher for over two decades, I have learned a lot about energy.

So many reasons… to keep your energy bank full

What you may not realize, is that there are so many reasons to keep yourself energized. I have witnessed some of these firsthand through my experience with Reiki clients. Years ago, I had a Reiki client who studied Reiki with me and took all three classes of Usui Reiki from me.

Unfortunately, a few years later, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and was found to have the genetic predisposition to it. She went through several surgeries and treatments for this. She recovered incredibly well, and we both felt that the Reiki she had received before, during and after played a huge role in her recovery.

Doctors have been amazed with patient’s recovery

I have seen similar positive results in other Reiki clients, who time and again have amazed their doctors with how well they recovered.

Reiki fills your energy bank

When someone receives regular treatments of Divine Light through a Reiki session,

  • they are literally putting energy into their energy bank
  • they are charging all their cells, tissues, organs with healing energy
  • Life giving, life supporting energy

So, when the unexpected happens, an injury, an accident, or an illness, their body is prepared to deal with these events due to their improved energy levels .

It is more difficult to recover when we are depleted

On the other hand, when you are feeling depleted, it is much more challenging to deal with those types of unexpected events.

Envision your energized future

It’s very possible that receiving restorative Reiki sessions on a regular basis could change your future for the better.

Schedule a bodywork session with Insight Services Reiki center

We offer Reiki sessions to help you keep your energy bank full. Reiki is a Japanese hands-on technique which relieves stress and promotes self-healing.

Start bringing your energy back into balance today