What to Look For in a Reiki Practitioner
How to find a reiki practitioner
I help people find Reiki practitioners for their friends or relatives
In order to do this, I Google ‘Reiki practitioners, city, state’ to help find them a practitioner. Typically, in any given location, there will be numerous Reiki practitioners that show up in the Google search. From the list of Reiki practitioners on the screen, I begin clicking through their links for their website. From there, I search for their level of Reiki training and their amount of experience.In addition, I check their services offered, their blog posts and any reviews or testimonials.
What types of reiki sessions are offered? In-person vs. remote
Once the Pandemic changed our lives, most professionals in the healing arts have had to adjust how they work with clients. As a result, in my own practice, I have shifted to providing only ‘remote’ Reiki sessions, which in the world of Reiki, is called ‘distance Reiki sessions.’ I have been providing distance Reiki sessions for over 20 years, as it has always been an integral part of my Reiki practice. It is simultaneously amazing and comforting to see how effective remote Reiki sessions are. They work brilliantly, whether they are held over the phone, Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp or Zoom. “Nothing like receiving self-healing energy treatments in the comfort of your own home, on your own couch or bed.”
How much and what types of reiki training has the reiki practitioner had?
Not all Reiki training is alike
Over the past 20 years, I have personally studied and trained under at least ten different Reiki Masters. Much of my Reiki training was through William Rand and the ICRT. I am very impressed with Holy Fire® Reiki, which is a combination of the original Usui Reiki, and the highly refined Holy Fire® Reiki. As a practitioner and teacher of Reiki for decades now, I have witnessed and felt how the Reiki energies have been changing, improving, and refining over the years.
Ideally when looking for a Reiki practitioner, I am interested to see if they have Holy Fire® Reiki training, and to see if they have undertaken repeated Reiki Master trainings
I also check to see if they’ve studied other types of Reiki like Jikiden Reiki. I prefer to receive Reiki sessions from someone who has years of experience practicing Reiki. I value someone who continues to learn and to study the various aspects of their field. That being said, however, Reiki is effective at all times, even when coming through a newly attuned Reiki practitioner.
How much experience does the reiki practitioner have working with different types of clients?
Holding the healing space
It is very important to find a Reiki practitioner who understands how to hold the healing space for the client. I was mentored for 8 years on how to hold the healing space as I received my own self-healing sessions. Nothing replaces experience when working with clients. I personally feel like I have been in ‘Reiki Graduate School’ for decades. Every time I work with someone, I learn more about self-healing and how to allow and support it.
How does the reiki practitioner take care of their own self-healing needs?
Everyone needs an Intuitive Mentor
It is important to understand the value of periodically working with healing and intuitive mentors. Especially when navigating your own life history for self-healing, having an intuitive support person is essential. Developing this type of self-care is essential to providing support for you on all levels. Every week, I alternate between receiving either a massage or an acupuncture session. Occasionally, I will add other types of body work to the mix as needed. I receive Reiki from others on a weekly basis and do Reiki self-sessions on myself daily.
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50-minute Reiki session fee: $90.
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