Virtual Reiki Sessions and Benefits for New Clients
Virtual Reiki Sessions
are surprisingly soothing and effective ways to receive a self-healing treatment. While this possibility may seem unusual to you, this transmission of self-healing energy is actually quite similar to praying for someone or sending positive thoughts or holding someone in the Light. Whether I am sharing Reiki with you in person or at a distance, this healing energy is not coming from me and is always coming from a higher Source, God, the Universe (however you envision it). A 50-minute virtual Reiki session is best held with the client resting in a quiet place in the home, office, car, etc., where you will not be disturbed during the session. Most people begin sessions seated and may eventually end up reclining. It’s useful to have a mobile phone stand holding the phone, with the phone set to speaker mode. As per any Reiki session, it is always helpful to have water nearby for drinking.
Benefits of virtual Reiki for new Reiki clients
Most Reiki clients consistently report experiencing incredible feelings of relaxation, peace and calm during and after their distance Reiki sessions. New Reiki clients may be amazed to see how deeply they do relax during a Reiki session and some have even reported, “I haven’t ever been this relaxed or peaceful before.” As the Reiki client begins to relax, the body-mind and spirit is better able to bring itself back into balance. Self-healing drives the Reiki session; your body knows where it needs healing energy and draws the Reiki to that area. Receiving regular weekly Reiki sessions provides incredible self-care and the body gradually improves on all levels.
Embracing the commitment to self-care dramatically transforms our experience and understanding of true health.
During virtual Reiki sessions, we work with whatever life issues are currently presenting for the client; physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
Performing distance Reiki sessions is not new to me
I have been doing this type of session ever since I started using Reiki over 20 years ago. In the past, my Reiki sessions were held over the phone and now we have the opportunity for visual connection as well. As I used to suggest to my Reiki clients in the past, who may have been unsure about the possibility of a distance Reiki session,
“The best way to find out if a virtual Reiki session works for you, is to schedule it and experience it. Then you will know for sure.”
I truly look forward to sharing Reiki with you over the airwaves, through cyberspace, through the heavens on earth.
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50-minute Reiki session fee: $90.
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