Metatron Color Healing Sessions
Self-healing with Divine help
Metatron’s Cube ~ watercolor by Susan Grace Wisniewski
What does a typical Metatron Color Healing session look like?
- Check-in
- Typically, a session with me begins with a check in with the client to determine the focus and intention of their session.
- Connect to Divine helpers
- We then consciously connect to Archangels to receive their guidance throughout the session.
- Receive messages through oracle cards, divination tools
- We may use various Oracle cards to gain guidance through selected images, which I will support with further information from Metatron.
- Proceed with a self-healing protocol aimed at bringing resolution, clarity and transformation.
- Closure, completion, gratitude
- at the end of the session, we give gratitude for all the help we’ve received from spirit
- acknowledge any affirmations that need to be integrated
- use the brain holds technique for integration of the work that we have accomplished
- Grounding the body
Some of the techniques used during a Metatron Color Healing session are listed below:
chakra balancing/ higher chakra activation
cord cutting
past life healing
ancestral healing
light body activation
inner child healing
color healing
editing scripts/ removing the story healing
elemental healing
distance healing
soul retrieval
healing spirit attachments
environment energy clearing
learning self-protection techniques
Susan Grace Wisniewski
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50-minute Reiki session fee: $90.
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