Breathe in Light Exercise

Daily exercise

Here is a restorative

exercise which will

lighten your burdens.

Restore Yourself BookBreathe in Light Daily exercise:

Ideally, breathing in and out through your nose keeps you as relaxed as possible while doing this exercise (mouth breathing is also fine).

Begin by grounding yourself to the Earth; imagine roots instantly growing down from soles of your feet down to the Earth center. Then imagine inhaling this grounding energy up from the Earth each time you breathe in. Inhale this Earth energy up and down the body three times.

Next, imagine breathing Light from the Heavens into your body, mind and spirit. Inhale this energy from the Heavens down into the body three times. Imagine your body becoming more and more light-filled after each breath.

Now, state with your inner voice,

I open all my shock, trauma, stress to the Light,

to be healed, to be transformed, to be released.

Think the following as you slowly breathe in and out:

Breathe in light, breathe out shock, trauma, stress. (Repeat 3x)


State with your inner voice,

I open all my fear, anxiety, worry to the Light,

to be healed, to be transformed, to be released.

Think the following as you slowly breathe in and out:

Breathe in light, breathe out fear, anxiety, worry. (Repeat 3x)


State with your inner voice,

I open all my hatred, anger, hurt to the Light,

to be healed, to be transformed, to be released.

Think the following as you breathe in and out:

Breathe in light, breathe out hatred, anger, hurt. (Repeat 3x)


State with your inner voice,

I open all my sadness, grief, sorrow to the Light,

to be healed, to be transformed, to be released.

Think the following as you breathe in and out:

Breathe in light, breathe out sadness, grief, sorrow. (Repeat 3x)


Repeat this technique with any other emotions or mental states which you have been experiencing lately.

(e.g. –regrets, doubt, judgment, guilt, blame, resentment, etc.)

Repeat these 3x for each emotion and mental state.

I highly recommend repeating this exercise daily to receive the most benefit.

Breathe in Light, first four triads

audio version


To order paperback – direct from author: Restore Your Self , Introducing the Breathe in Light Technique: ‘Bright’ by Susan Grace Wisniewski

$16.95 + $1.02 tax,    +$5.00 shipping= $22.97

Please pay $23 for paperback via any of the payment apps listed on the right side of page.

To order ‘Restore Your Self’ on Amazon for Kindle or audiobook: Restore Your Self ~Introducing the Breathe in Light Technique: ‘Bright’by Susan Grace Wisniewski

breathe in light technique audio book

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