Let Mercury Retro Rescue You

Do you ever feel like a victim of your own negative habits? Are you ready to save yourself? Let Mercury retro rescue you. Now is the perfect time to delve into self-healing your negative habits. Are you stuck in repeatedly over-reacting? Are you losing your temper and saying things that you don’t really mean in the heat of the moment?

You may be waking up your shadow self.  This usually feels pretty uncomfortable for all parties involved. After arousing our shadow self, we usually wish we hadn’t gotten so upset. Most of us wish that we could stop repeating the negative pattern of overreacting.

Are you ready to save yourself? Mercury retro to the rescue

Embracing our shadow, allowing light to stream through

Mercury retrograde periods are perfect for healing your shadow self

During Mercury retrograde we tend to notice these ‘shadow self events’ even more (google this term and you will find countless links on the web, YouTube, instagram etc.). They stand out, we can’t ignore them, we feel them even more intensely. Mercury retro periods are the perfect time to call on all the healing energies that are available. It’s an easier time to get at the ready-to-be-healed-layers of your shadow self.

So in a sense, it is Mercury retro to the rescue. During this period, it’s easier to do self-healing work and to make effective changes in your limiting patterns.

My most favorite, productive time to work with shadow aspects is during Mercury retro

As a Reiki Practitioner, Mercury retro periods are one of my favorite times to work with clients. It is easier to see the wounded layers of the psyche then. It’s also easier to transform them. For the same reasons, it is a great time for doing personal self-healing work. It’s a productive time to sit with our wounded self, to transform it and let it go.

It’s time to let Mercury retro rescue you

During a recent meditation, I received the insight that this particular Mercury retrograde (May 29-June 22), combined with the lunar eclipse on May 26th, offers each of us the opportunity to heal (a layer of) our victim mentality. There is a rare window of Universal support to help us step into our power. Letting go of what no longer serves us follows naturally.  Most of us don’t usually think of ourselves as victims. Once we know what to look for, we begin to recognize this hidden part of ourself. Let Mercury retro rescue you from your victim mentality. Allow it to help you to let go of what no longer serves you.

 Victim mentality can be healed with awareness

STEP ONE is to notice and acknowledge what’s up in our lives, what’s ready to be healed.

Years ago, it surprised me to recognize that deep within our subconscious, most of us do believe we are victims and powerless. It was not surprising however, to see that no one really wants to admit that they are victims.

Until we own these parts of our shadow side, it is very difficult to heal them, to be rid of them. Our body, mind and spirit crave acknowledgement of their wounds, of past sufferings. Once we receive this acknowledgement, we are ready to heal.

Self-healing takes time and a willingness to greet new layers

It is important to realize that our shadow has many layers. We may find ourselves revisiting our wounds again and again, in order to heal these layers. Never view this as a failure, this is how self-healing works. We heal bit by bit. We integrate what we’ve healed and learned. Then we’re ready for the next piece.

Where is your victimhood hiding?

Our victim mentality is usually held within our deepest layers. Once we are aware of it, it becomes easier to notice and to bring self-healing to it. One way to notice whether you have a victim mentality is to look at your life, especially the parts that feel impossible to change.

Even acknowledging what’s out of balance in your life begins the healing process.  Noticing your piles of clutter or gardens full of weeds give you opportunities to let go of being a victim (to your weeds or clutter). Step into your power, one step at a time.

Giving up in life reveals our victimhood. Thinking we are powerless to change what is out of balance or uncomfortable in our life gives us a glimpse of our victim mentality.

STEP TWO is to accept our self-healing ability to change the negative patterns we exhibit.

Another way to check if you are stuck in victimhood is to notice your attitude towards others. Do you find yourself feeling sorry for others or trying to save others? When we feel sorry for others, we see them as helpless and powerless.

In order for us to view others as helpless and powerless, we must be coming from that place of helpless and powerlessness within us. This may seem confusing, but there is actually another option. Hold the space for people to rise above their powerlessness and helplessness.

See them with limitless potential and the ability to transform past their victimhood. When we envision empowerment for people, it helps them rise into that possibility. They may then find powerful solutions that transforms their lives.

Attempting to save others may create more victims

When we wish to save others from their pain and suffering, we perceive them through a victim mentality. Seeing others as victims, as helpless and powerless and in need of saving is not helpful. It reveals more about us, our own inner victim. Feeling sorry for others empowers no one.

Unfortunately, those who try to save others usually become a victim. It happens over and over, especially around bodies of water (lakes, rivers, oceans). We’ve all heard stories of people trying to save a drowning victim and then they end up drowning instead of the victim.

It’s a pretty tragic example of saving and victimhood. However, a very similar, but hopefully less tragic thing occurs in other areas of life; where saving someone backfires, miserably.

It’s not unusual to resist owning your victim side

Most of us have resistance to being told that we are victims or that we have a victim mentality. However, it may be an essential step in your own self-healing to accept these parts of your wounded self. As we learn to accept these shadow parts of ourselves, we typically experience more self-healing.

An important step of our self-healing is to acknowledge our less-than-light parts of ourselves. Those parts of our self will then feel acknowledged and be willing to transform. They release because they have been heard and acknowledged.  This is the perfect time to let Mercury retro rescue you.

Tread lightly, no need to immerse yourself

For a long time, our wounds have been stuffed aside, tucked away without being acknowledged. The opportunity is to dip into the shallow end of your shadow self. Simply acknowledging those parts of yourself that aren’t perfect, aren’t nice, aren’t happy is helpful. Giving them the acknowledgment they desire helps them heal.

By treading lightly, we only need to glance at what emotions and mental states are stuck in a particular event from the past. It is not usually necessary to relive past events; only to acknowledge what needs to be healed and released.

It takes courage to heal the self. Tread lightly onto the path of self-healing. Once you begin that path, the rewards help you continue.

Becoming aware of parts that we are ashamed of alerts us that the shadow self is being revealed. Perfect timing prevails; it is ready to be healed when it appears.

Try not to miss these opportunities, focus on them and ask for all manner of healing to occur.

Objectively identify what is ready to be healed

STEP THREE is to identify the parts of this issue in my shadow self.

I am angry. I am overreactive. I say things out of spite or anger that I regret later. I hurt myself and others with my verbal attacks.

Then I breathe for a little while and feel those statements rippling through me. I might wonder how old this pattern is. How and when did I pick up this pattern? Unfortunately, all roads lead to early childhood. Our parents were our main influence in our lives, as well as their negative patterns.

Our parents were only human, and they did the best they could. They obviously weren’t perfect either. My father berated himself and called himself a stupid idiot when he injured himself. I learned as a young child that when we make mistakes to blame ourselves. I was taught to berate and punish myself for being imperfect.

Asking for Divine help to heal, facilitates the self-healing

Regardless of where a particular pattern came from, once we really notice it, it is time to heal it. Once we feel uncomfortable after it’s occurred, it is time to heal it. When we wish we could change and not repeat the pattern, it is time to heal it.

Awareness of an issue means it is ripe for the picking, ripe for the self-healing. After describing my shadow side by writing it down, I have given it an identity. Then I’m ready for the next step.

STEP FOUR is to use healing affirmations to ask for Divine help;

I ask the Universe, the Divine, God and Jesus, for all manner of healing energy to help me to transform this part of my shadow side.

I write affirmations in present tense, gratitude terms and I repeat these affirmations over and over.


I am grateful for all manner of healing to help me transform this pattern forever. 

I am grateful for divine help in healing this negative pattern forever. 

I am grateful to release my victim mentality forever.

I embrace my powerful and confident self. 


Breathing in light and breathing out the old stuck emotions and mental states ~empowers your self-healing

STEP FIVE is to Breathe in Light to transform your victim mentality. 

Breathe in light, breathe out helpless, powerless, victim (3 times)

Breathe in light, breathe out fear, anxiety, worry (3 times)

Breathe in light, breathe out disappointment, regret, guilt (3 times)

Breathing in Light is a powerful process and you will find more info on this technique here. You may choose your own wording of your thoughts and emotions to breathe out. Repeating this process daily is highly beneficial.

Self-healing is a natural, daily practice

Life is full of ups and downs, for everyone. Like the ocean, there will always be waves to bump against, waves that knock us over and occasional periods of smooth sailing.

  • We are in a constant state of maintaining balance.
  • Finding the right healing tools to make this easier is key.
  • Ignoring problems usually increases suffering.
  • Accepting issues as they arise and employing self-healing tools, lightens our load.

Mercury retro actually empowers our self-healing abilities as we shine light onto the roots of our issues. Take advantage  of this Mercury retro period and begin adding new self-care daily practices into your life. Let Mercury retro rescue you.

1~notice and acknowledge what’s up

2~accept our self-healing ability

3~identify the parts of this issue

4~use healing affirmations to ask for Divine help

5~Breathe in Light to transform

What self-care habits are you ready to incorporate today?

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