Grounding With Your Spiraling Roots
Anchor to the Earth like the trees do
Begin grounding with your spiral roots today
Are you ready to learn about grounding with your spiraling roots? Perhaps you’ve heard this before, “Being grounded is the key to life.” However, “Staying grounded might be the biggest challenge of your life.” Therefore, it follows that “Activating your grounding roots are essential to life.”
We have all been practicing
I have been practicing ‘grounding’ for decades, and now I’ve discovered a new way to go about it. Recently, as I was leading a Reiki guided meditation, this new grounding insight came into my awareness. At that moment, I was asking the Divine to help us ground during the chaotic Christmas season. Essentially, I was requesting to be shown a new grounding technique.
How to know you are ungrounded
Initially, it is important to realize and notice when you are ungrounded. Common symptoms are:
- feeling anxious, nervous, scattered
- rushing, forgetting things, bumping into things
- forgetting to take care of yourself
Be like the tree
Many of us have been taught to ground ourselves by imagining roots growing out of the bottom of our feet and going down into the Earth. While this is a brilliant technique, it is helpful now to expand on this a little.
Spiral on
My intuition reminded me to remember how roots grow on a cellular level. Tree roots are made-up of hundreds of microscopic cells. Unlike how bricks are laid for a house, the layout of the cells in a root are quite different. For a house, everything is level, square, and perpendicular. In a tree, we are likely to find amazing spirals formed from the cellular building blocks of roots.
Ground with flexibility
When we imagine the concept of spiraling cells within the root system, we see how effectively trees anchor to the Earth. Trees have developed the ability to sway in the wind and stay anchored to the Earth. Their branches and roots appear to be unbendable, but are actually remarkably flexible on a microscopic level. This level of flexibility allows the branches and even the roots of a tree to move.
Grounding with your spiral roots
Hence, if we apply the concept of spiraling tree roots to our own grounding roots, we will strengthen our ability to ground. Basically, you begin by imagining simple spiraling roots growing out of the soles of your feet, down to the Earth. Instantly, you imagine your spiraling roots growing all the way down to the Earth’s core. Next, you imagine the Divine light of the Earth flowing up through your roots into your body.
Breathe in the Divine light of the Earth
You deepen this experience by exhaling down your body, through your spiral roots to the Earth, and then inhaling the Earth’s Divine light energy light back up into your body. Repeat this numerous times and you will reap the benefits. It is helpful to imagine exhaling and inhaling out through your feet in a spiral motion.
Grounding your spiral roots
with me in your next Reiki session
I would love to guide you through this personally in your next scheduled Reiki session with me. Sometimes it is easiest to experience a new technique in a one-on-one session; whether on zoom or in person, to better anchor it into your daily life.
Happy Grounding!
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