Energize Yourself with Spheres of Colored Light

Light is healing and colored Light is even more healing!

Some of you might be new to knowing how helpful it is to imagine Light filling your body. You might not realize how easy it is to set in motion your own self-healing moment. Simply imagining, visualizing or thinking about light filling your body, causes it to happen. Pretty quickly, you will be on your way to feeling relaxed and refreshed.

Doing this simple self-care on a daily basis will help you stay balanced and energized. Adding color to your light visualizations increases the beneficial results. You might be amazed at how refreshed you feel after following my guided visualization, Energize yourself with Spheres of Colored Light below.

Simple Color therapy restores my energy in Chicago

Back in the late 1990s, I had a limited understanding about self-healing and how to tap into it. Unexpectedly, I got to test out my self-healing skills on a hot, summer day in Chicago. My young family of five was visiting my sister’s family in Chicago one summer weekend. On the day we chose to visit the Field Museum on Lake Michigan, the Taste of Chicago food festival was also happening. There were thousands of people on the streets that day. On that day, numerous streets were lined with booth after booth of restaurants offering their dishes to the public.

As we navigated those crowded streets, I began to feel seriously depleted. We followed my sister’s suggestion to leave the main street of the festival and to walk up a side street away from the crowds.

Intuitive technique drops in!

Out of nowhere, I had the idea to start breathing in the rainbow. I imagined breathing in a wave of red light, which moved up my body, from my feet and out the top of my head. I followed this with a wave of every color of the rainbow. First orange, then yellow, green, blue, indigo and finally violet waves of light. What amazed me was that immediately after doing this visualization, my energy felt completely restored.

I quickly repeated this visualization, imagining doing it for all three of my children at once. So, with very little knowledge and understanding of color therapy, I followed my intuition, probably because I didn’t know what else to do to get my energy back. Sometimes in life, that is the best way to go and the best way to learn a new technique that might help you.

Play with color, imagine it healing you

I encourage you to play with the rainbow colors yourself, it’s not difficult to imagine your body full of a certain color. If it is difficult to visualize the colors with your mind’s eye, it is just as effective to talk yourself through it, i.e., “My body is now filled with red light, my body is now filled with orange light, etc.”

Where intuitive techniques come from

As an intuitive self-healing mentor, I have developed numerous self-healing techniques over the years. Sometimes, these techniques come to me when a client asks for a specific thing to be focused on in the self-healing session. So, years ago, when a client asked me to help her balance her energy, I asked my higher self, “How shall we do this?” I immediately received guidance on how to do what I now call, Energize yourself with Spheres of Colored Light.

Energize yourself with Spheres of Colored Light

Below you will find the guidance for Energize yourself with Spheres of Colored Light. It is beneficial to read the technique slowly and to pause after each instruction, visualize it or talk yourself through it. Then, read the next instruction, visualize that one, and continue through the guidance this way. Another way to experience this Energize yourself with Spheres of Colored Light is by listening to it on the audio blog that accompanies my written blog.

It only takes 10 minutes for this color and Light visualization to refresh you

You are welcome to be seated or lying down for this guided visualization.

Take a few slow deep breaths, to bring your focus to doing this technique, letting go of the rest of your worldly concerns. Certainly, if you are lying down and listening to this via the YouTube video blog, you will probably have your eyes closed. However, if you are reading this guided visualization, then you will be pausing after each instruction to visualize, imagine or think through that step.

To begin:

Imagining a red sphere of light.

  • Imagine a red sphere of light inside your lower abdomen, at the base of your torso.
  • Imagine continuously pulsing beams of red light moving in and out of this red sphere of light.
  • These beams of red light are pulsing into the surrounding tissues and transforming congestion or blockages into light.
  • Ask or imagine that this red light vaporize any emotions or negative beliefs that are held here.
  • Imagine and intend that the red frequencies are bringing balance to the entire body, to all the cells, tissues and organs.
  • Imagine now, a flow of red light extending down out through the base of the torso out into the field around you.
  • Imagine this flow of red frequencies forming a band of red light in the energy field around your entire body, surrounding you completely.

This band of red energy strengthens your energy field and boundaries.

Imagining an orange sphere of light.

  • Imagine an orange sphere of light inside your lower abdomen, below the belly button.
  • Imagine continuously pulsing beams of orange light moving in and out of this orange sphere of light.
  • These beams of orange light are pulsing into the surrounding tissues and transforming congestion or blockages into light.
  • Ask or imagine that this orange light vaporize any emotions or negative beliefs that are held here.
  • Imagine and intend that the orange frequencies are bringing balance to the entire body, to all the cells, tissues and organs.
  • Imagine now, a flow of orange light extending out of the front and back of the lower abdomen, out into the field around you.
  • Imagine this flow of orange frequencies adding to the band of light in the energy field around your entire body, surrounding you completely.

This band of orange energy adds strength to your energy field and boundaries.

Imagining a yellow sphere of light.

  • Imagine a yellow sphere of light inside your upper abdomen, above the belly button.
  • Imagine continuously pulsing beams of yellow light moving in and out of this yellow sphere of light.
  • These beams of yellow light are pulsing into the surrounding tissues and transforming congestion or blockages into light.
  • Ask or imagine that this yellow light vaporize any emotions or negative beliefs that are held here.
  • Imagine and intend that the yellow frequencies are bringing balance to the entire body, to all the cells, tissues and organs.
  • Imagine now, a flow of yellow light extending out of the front and back of the upper abdomen, out into the field around you.
  • Imagine this flow of yellow frequencies adding to the band of light in the energy field around your entire body, surrounding you completely.

This band of yellow energy adds strength to your energy field and boundaries.

Imagining a green sphere of light.

  • Imagine a green sphere of light inside your chest.
  • Imagine continuously pulsing beams of green light moving in and out of this green sphere of light.
  • These beams of green light are pulsing into the surrounding tissues and transforming congestion or blockages into light.
  • Ask or imagine that this green light vaporize any emotions or negative beliefs that are held here.
  • Imagine and intend that the green frequencies are bringing balance to the entire body, to all the cells, tissues and organs.
  • Imagine now, a flow of green light extending out of the front and back of the chest, out into the field around you.
  • Imagine this flow of green frequencies adding to the band of light in the energy field around your entire body, surrounding you completely.

This band of green energy adds strength to your energy field and boundaries.

Imagining a blue sphere of light.

  • Imagine a small blue sphere of light inside your throat.
  • Imagine continuously pulsing beams of blue light moving in and out of this blue sphere of light.
  • These beams of blue light are pulsing into the surrounding tissues and transforming congestion or blockages into light.
  • Ask or imagine that this blue light vaporize any emotions or negative beliefs that are held here.
  • Imagine and intend that the blue frequencies are bringing balance to the entire body, to all the cells, tissues and organs.
  • Imagine now, a flow of blue light extending out of the front and back of the throat, out into the field around you.
  • Imagine this flow of blue frequencies adding to the band of light in the energy field around your entire body, surrounding you completely.

This band of blue energy adds strength to your energy field and boundaries.

Imagining an indigo sphere of light.

  • Imagine a tiny indigo sphere of light inside your head, between your eyebrows.
  • Imagine continuously pulsing beams of indigo light moving in and out of this indigo sphere of light.
  • These beams of indigo light are pulsing into the surrounding tissues and transforming congestion or blockages into light.
  • Ask or imagine that this indigo light vaporize any emotions or negative beliefs that are held here.
  • Imagine and intend that the indigo frequencies are bringing balance to the entire body, to all the cells, tissues and organs.
  • Imagine now, a flow of indigo light extending out of the front and back of your head, out into the field around you.
  • Imagine this flow of indigo frequencies adding to the band of light in the energy field around your entire body, surrounding you completely.

This band of indigo energy adds strength to your energy field and boundaries.

Imagining a violet sphere of light.

  • Imagine a small, violet sphere of light inside your head, at the top.
  • Imagine continuously pulsing beams of violet light moving in and out of this violet sphere of light.
  • These beams of violet light are pulsing into the surrounding tissues and transforming congestion or blockages into light.
  • Ask or imagine that this violet light vaporize any emotions or negative beliefs that are held here.
  • Imagine and intend that the violet frequencies are bringing balance to the entire body, to all the cells, tissues and organs.
  • Imagine now, a flow of violet light extending out the top of the head, out into the field around you.
  • Imagine this flow of violet frequencies adding to the band of light in the energy field around your entire body, surrounding you completely.

This band of violet energy adds strength to your energy field and boundaries.

Now, take a few slow deep breaths and check in with your body. Notice if you are feeling more relaxed, calm and energized.

Chances are, you’re reading this blog because you’re interested in self-healing. Please try this Energize yourself with Spheres of Colored Light and see how it makes you feel. I hope that this technique will help you restore your energy when you’re feeling depleted.

Let me know how it goes in the comments below!

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